If February marks the end of winter and beginning of spring, March, it’s spring going towards summer : temperatures increase…
From mid-march, we start to feel a bit hot everywhere (except maybe above 2000m) during the day.
End of March, at low height (for example in the desert or on the coast), we often feel hot in the morning already.
As for nature, at the beginning of month, peaches and apricots finish blossoming at an height of 1500m. And at the end of the month, roses flower at an height of 2000m.
Below is a summary of the weather in the main climate zones of Oman.
The markers 🟢🟡🟠🔴 show our opinon (subjective, but based on objective facts) regarding the possibilities for hiking and camping.
Climate zones
Climate in March
Coast of the sea of Oman
Hot temperatures (~30-35°C daytime / ~ 20-25°C nighttime)
Medium humidity
Medium sun
Coast of the Indian Ocean
(Ras Al Hadd > Shuwaymiyah)
Hot temperatures (~30-35°C daytime / ~ 20-25°C nighttime)
Medium humidity
Medium sun
Coast of the Indian Ocean
Hot temperatures (~30°C daytime / ~ 20-25°C nighttime)
Medium humidity
Medium sun
Big Inland *
Hot temperatures (~30-35°C daytime / ~ 20°C nighttime)
Low humidity
Medium sun
Hajar Mountains **
~1000m height
A bit hot temperatures (~30°C daytime / ~ 20°C nighttime)
Low humidity
Medium sun
Hajar Mountains **
~2000m height
Pleasant temperatures (~20-30°C daytime / ~10-15°C nighttime)
Low humidity
Medium sun
Dhofar Mountains
~1000m height
Pleasant temperatures (~25°C daytime / ~ 15°C nighttime)
Medium humidity
Medium sun
* in the desert (above all Rub Al Khali, and to a lesser extent in Wahiba Sands), temperatures rise higher during the day, and drop lower at night (~5-10°C gap, sometimes more).
Bad weather in Northern Oman bring sudden drop in temperatures inland.
** in the montains, above all in winter (when the sun is lower), there can be big difference between northern slopes, which see less sun, and southern slopes which are continuously exposed. The same apply to steep-sided places.
It’s the last month during which we can plan mountain treks and long day-hikes : in April, the heat makes it too strenuous…
In contrary, with the heat being back, canyoning and aquatic hiking are again appealing : the water of the wadis which was cold during winter month is now at good temperature!
In March, staying several days in the desert and hiing there becomes difficult because of the heat : sand becomes burning hot already around 11 AM, and the first hours of the afternoon start to be hardly bearable. However, entering the sand desert late afternoon for camping there is still possible and enjoyable : we are even better there than in other lowlands since the temperature drops down more quickly at night…
Camping near the sea starts to be unpleasant at the end of March : the heat becomes humid, temperatures drop down only late in the night, an in the morning (above all if the sun rises on the sea), we are already sweating at 8 AM….
We offer trips in small groups from October to April with scheduled departures. All tour itineraries are designed to be realized at the time they are scheduled : we try to take you to the good place at the good time…
Have a look at the trips we offer in Oman next March…