
43 years old

11 years of experience

Speaks Arabic, English


He was born in the village of Tiwi, on coast between Sur and Muscat at the foot of the Eastern Hajar mountains.

This village is now accessible with the highway, but at that time, the access was only through a network of tracks.

According to the season, they sere staying in Tiwi for fishing, or in their gardens upper in the wadi.


After finishing school, he could study mechanics during 2 years.

As he did not find job in his field, he did several other jobs (driver, seller, etc…).

In one of these jobs he met Said (who also works with us), and they became very good friends.

Said introduced him in the field of adventure tourism.


Not used to foreigners and speaking only very little english, he worked first as assistant/driver during several years for Al Maalam Tours.

Getting finaly a more stable economical situation, he then married (it is expensive for a man to get married in Oman….) During these years he improved his english, got more familiar with foreigners, and learned the job.

When Al Maalam Tours closed in 2017, he started to guide tours himself as a freelancer, mainly with japanese guests but also europeans. He now keeps on working as a freelancer and guides some tours for Al Maalam Tours. He has now 2 children and still lives in Tiwi.


The following of the story happens now, and will we written in a few years…