
40 years old

16 years of experience

Speaks Arabic, English, and a little French


He was born and grew up in an old quarter of Nizwa, a city with long history and traditions.

Raised with 10 brothers and sisters, he had a happy childhood and witnessed huge changes : he saw electricity arriving first at school and then in his house, the dirt-road linking Nizwa to Muscat become asphalted and then a highway, the opening of the country to foreigners…


Good soccer player and several times champion of Karate in Oman, he started to work early, performing various small jobs : waiter, delivery-boy, seller of fruits and vegetables, office assistant… When he entered adventure tourism, first as driver/assistant, he immediately knew he found his way.

He quickly became trekking guide and trained himself for via-ferrata and canyoning.

He then started to meet western people and he did his first journeys abroad in Turkey, Syria, and Thailand.


After several years working for different agencies in the field of adventure tourism, he opened with his friend Antoine the agency Al Maalam Tours.

While managing the company which developped quickly and still guiding tours, he married and made a family.

He also travelled to Europe, Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, La Reunion Island, and Comor Islands.

In 2017, he closed the company Al Maalam Tours to take some rest, step back, and spend more time with his family.

He also used this time to develop small farming in his garden with fruit trees, vegetables, chicken, and goats, and he travelled to Indonesia.

After digesting all these rich and numerous experiences, he decided in 2021, to open again Al Maalam Tours, still with his friend Antoine, to start again his professional activity in a slightly different way : slowlier but better and longlasting.


The following of the story happens now, and will we written in a few years…